Creating a safe system of
Tax Credit Compensation

Through the use of ethical safeguards, protections & standards, public education, and regulatory oversight

Proposal Overview

We are aiming to pass the federal bill the End Kidney Deaths Act. All non-directed living kidney donors will receive $50,000 in the form of a refundable federal tax credit. The tax credit will be uniformly applied over a period of 5 years in the amount of $10,000 per year. 

Medicare currently pays ~$100k per year for End-Stage-Renal-Disease patients. Some economists predict the taxpayer savings from kidney transplants is over $400K.

Key Components

Ethical Safeguards

  • Strict Eligibility Criteria: The transplant centers establish stringent physical and mental health criteria to ensure only individuals who can safely donate are considered.

  • Informed Consent Systems: The transplant centers have an exhaustive consent process where potential donors are informed about all aspects of donation, including risks, benefits, and their rights.

  • Safeguards Against Coercion: Independent evaluations by the transplant centers ensure potential donors are not being coerced into donation.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Transplant centers uphold the privacy and confidentiality rights of donors through secure data management practices.

Protections & Standards

  • Medical Screening and Evaluation: Comprehensive medical screening procedures provide a thorough health evaluation protocol for all potential donors.

  • Post-Donation Care: Necessary healthcare and support services after donation are provided by the transplant centers.

Public Education

  • Educational Campaigns: Develop and disseminate educational materials and campaigns to educate the public about the need for, and safety of, compensated kidney donation.

  • Community Collaborations: Partner with community organizations, schools, and other institutions to raise awareness and generate support for compensated kidney donation.

  • Culturally Competent Engagement: Create materials and outreach efforts that are respectful of, and tailored to, diverse cultural norms and values.

Regulatory Oversight

  • Collaboration with IRS: The IRS will develop a system to provide the tax credit to donors, and ensure accurate, timely, and fraud-free transactions.

  • Coordination with Kidney Exchange Networks and Transplant Centers: Foster partnerships with existing organ exchange networks and transplant centers to ensure equitable organ allocation and to share best practices.